Sunday, January 26, 2014

Twitter Fatigue?

What are you looking at on twitter?

After the social media attention around Justin Bieber's arrest, Jenna Wortham claims that their is a newfound "fatigue" with twitter.  She suggests that twitter is no longer a forum for finding significant information, but rather a simple competition for attention.

While I definitely agree with the claim about attention-thirsty tweeters, I think that most people crave the praise and attention of others in everything they do.  So what makes the world of twitters and retweets any different?

However, I do not agree with her opinion that twitter news has become less informational or relevant.   With the uprise of twitter, more and more news organizations have created accounts, allowing users to follow them and get instant news updates.  For one, my personal twitter feed has become more informational and relevant as I have learned to navigate and filter these accounts.

In addition, is it twitter that has become less 'relevant' or just news in general?  The article references Justin Bieber as an example of useless news taking over twitter.  But we learned from Jourdan's post that Bieber's DUI didn't just take over twitter news, but news in general.

So maybe we should change what and who we follow on twitter?  I know that I have not yet grown fatigued by twitter.  Have you?

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, Madison. I'm planning to talk about this in some class. Here is a response to Wortham's piece.
