Saturday, April 5, 2014

Covering Up to Open Up

If you haven't watched the new advertising video campaign for Dermablend's beauty products, I suggest you watch both of the videos above.  The "camo confessions"  of the two women are inspiring and bring a new perspective to beauty.

As a whole, our society is consumed with physical appearances and beauty itself.  Societal perceptions of perfection are rampant in both the media and advertising.  We stigmatize this obsession with beauty as being shallow, fake, vain, etc.  We often focus on the negatives of appearance-altering mechanisms, like make-up, and we ignore the potential benefits of these products.

Dermablend turns society's perception of makeup and beauty on itself by focusing on how make-up allows you to be yourself, rather than actually altering who you really are.  Dermablend suggests that instead of covering them up, there are some instances where makeup allows individuals to reveal themselves.

Mashable comments that "the high performance cosmetic brand isn't here to make you beautiful, but rather, you are beautiful."  Through these "camo confessions" of two women, Dermablend sends the message of how "cosmetic lines helps them feel more comfortable with themselves."

The two videos show women with skin conditions that often draw the attention of others.  They serve as a distraction from the individual's actual personality, and by covering up these conditions, they can drive others' attention away from their physical appearance and allow them to see past it.  
This is an interesting argument for a makeup brand to make, and I think it is genius.  It's easy to justify the benefits of beauty products that alter someone's physical appearance when you hear the touching testimonies of these people, who's appearances affect their everyday interactions and relationships.  

While I think that there are a lot of negatives that come with altering our appearance, it is important to consider situations where it has positively impacted people's everyday lives.  Go Dermablend for sending such an empowering message to those who struggle with similar situations!

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