Saturday, February 1, 2014

Operation Frustration : Flappy Bird

If you haven't heard of the frustration surrounding the new game that is dominating the app world, then you probably don't have a social media account.  "Flappy Bird" had been popping up all over my twitter feed. Usually the tweets were along the lines of "IMPOSSIBLE" or "save yourself before it's too late #flappybird."  With all these warnings about the unachievable feat of beating one level, there was only one thing I could do: download Flappy Bird...

I joined the frustration bandwagon, and never have I ever been so frustrated.  The game seems simple with its old-school graphics and easy rules.  WRONG. You have to navigate a bird through small spaces by tapping it to keep it in the air.  I am so bad at this game that I haven't even made it through one space.  I have been consistent in achieving a score of zero, every. single. time.

So what makes this pointless game so popular and addicting?  This article asked just that. The creator accredits its fame to luck, but I am not convinced.  While I believe most of its popularity is from word of mouth, the extent of its reach wouldn't even be half as far without social media.  My own experience is the perfect example.  As an infrequent visitor to the app store, I probably wouldn't have known what Flappy Bird was without twitter.

In addition, I think its claim to fame is largely a result of human competitive nature.  For instance, after reading so many reviews of others who had continuously failed miserably in the game, I was determined to accomplish the impossible.  Unfortunately, I failed just as the others before me.

While the game definitely has the addictive factor,  I think its simplicity will cause its popularity to be short-lived.  Its interesting to note that a brainless game like "flappy bird" is currently first place in a world of extravagant apps and complex amusements.  But.. I'm not sure how long such a mundane pastime can capture our attention.

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