Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Facebook Lingo

We dedicate a lot of our time to social media, but we seldom stop to think how it is impacting our lives.  More specifically, this mashable article revealed the extent to which social media may be impacting the language of our generation,

From "Prof Pic" to "Stalk," this article lists ten terms that have either been introduced into our lives or who's meanings have changed through Facebook.  My personal favorite is "Facebook Official."  Used commonly amongst my group of friends, I never actually accredited its origins to our use of Facebook.  The term seems like a natural choice to describe a couple of our age that is beyond the stage of "talking" and have taken on a more serious title. This demonstrates the commonality of Facebook in our everyday lives and as a result, its impact on our language and behaviors.

While the terms being used in our daily jargon do seem silly to me, their presence is undeniable.  I wonder what new slang will come with the social media platforms of our future.

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