Tuesday, January 21, 2014

SnapChat: More than Just a Selfie?

Most of us are familiar with the smartphone application, SnapChat.  It allows users to send pictures to select 'friends,' for a short time.  With the new update of the application, users can now post "a story," permitting their picture to be available to others for up to 24 hours.

With this new development, and the current rise of SnapChat in the social media world, businesses can capitalize on opportunities to profit from the application.  Promoting users to add their business on SnapChat, could allow businesses to create a 'story' with product updates, news, and even coupons available to viewers. 

Imagine ten second advertisements!  SnapChat would allow users to selectively open the snaps of their choice.  Not only would they not be forced to watch or view an advertisement (like those annoying youtube ads), but the ten second video or photo would specifically cater to the short-attention spans of common SnapChat users (like myself).

Along with the advantages for the viewers, SnapChat would give businesses a free and simple medium for marketing.

While I think this new insight into the profitability of SnapChat for businesses has potential, they're are several kinks with the idea that would need to first be worked out.  To begin, SnapChat is not as popular as the ruling social networks, like Twitter and Facebook.  Also, from the comments on the original blog post, I discovered that businesses would have to work hard to teach targeted consumers how to add them on the app.  Getting businesses and customers connected on SnapChat is an advertising endeavor in itself.

Once the connection is made, the businesses would need to engage the consumer in ten seconds or less.

This implies the use of major creativity. I'm not sold by a typical SnapChat selfie. If this becomes a major trend, I'm excited to see what companies will come up with!

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